Web development

Website e-commerce restyling

Web design


Sviluppo web

Graphic services

Naming, logo, creatività

Layout design

Web design, web development

Campagna pubblicitaria

Creatività, ufficio stampa, organizzazione eventi.

Desktop publishing

Studio e sviluppo logo

Studio logo e creatività


Web design and development

Proposta restyling website

Proposta di campagna di branding

Page layout, graphics and infographics

Proposta progetto grafico web

Live streaming

Web development

Desktop publishing multilanguages

Gestione evento online live

Verdelilla - E-commerce

Ufficio digitale

Panel design

Technical Report - Layout design and desktop publishing

Technical Report - Layout design and desktop publishing

Training Manual - Desktop publishing

Professional desktop publishing

Web development

Html development for DEM

Live streaming

Brand identity and videos for Engas

Wordpress web-development for WEEMPOWER

Web ecosystem holding remake

APP development

Corporate videos with drones-technologies and motion gr

Desktop publishing for international ILO Magazine

Motion graphic for international congress

Website Drupal development for international project

Corporate institutional video with historical approach

Wordpress corporate website development

Corporate continuative graphic design (automotive)

Motion Graphic in video scribing style

Newsletter layout for Enterprise Formalisation

Landing pages graphic design

Minimalistic style motion graphic for SM

Internal corporate web announce portal

Project video presentation and tutorials for WFP

Wordpress webdevelopment for international institution

Wordpress webdevelopment for international congress

Study logo, brand identity and desktop publishing

Video report on training course

Shooting raw materials for Client's use (service)

Website branding revamp on Gender Equality

Desktop publishing for international magazine WTI

Interviews style video making

Wordpress institutional website and e-commerce

Wordpress corporate website for Policy Sonar

Simplified website for professional companies

Promotional motion graphic for course on SM

Promotional videos for SM use

Contemporary Art: brand identity and website

Brand identity: Web, brochure, business card

Video spot for SM use

Shooting/editing of videos on training

Brand identity and Wordpress institutional website

Brand identity and Wordpress e-commerce development

RETROLEX - Website and brand identity

Desktop publishing - Skills for Green Jobs

Infographic design: Environmental Sustainability

Video report on training course

Wordpress web-development for Decent work

Brand identity and Wordpress website development

Sponsorizzazione Facebook

Digital Communication Strategy and stakeholder analysis

Pro bono projects

Training for social media management in the UN system

Html email templates for DEM/CRM

Creazione ed impostazione di una pagina Facebook

Audit on communication tools

ITCILO - WordPress Revamp

Logo, brandbook and visual guidelines

Marketing research and marketing oriented website

eBook design and development